Thursday, November 8, 2007

Stacy Phillips & Paul Howard -Klezmer Medley

One of the good folks on the Klezmeshack Jewish Music mailing list contributed a link to this video a couple of days ago. I got excited because I don't hear a lot of guitar in Jewish music (other than in the Chassidic pop groups). I used to play guitar a bit. While I haven't picked it up in years, ever since staring this blog I've been looking ideas about how I could play Jewish music on the guitar. This is one example.

Stacy Philips is "Dobro player, a fiddler, and the author of thirty books about these instruments." I became aware of his playing from his work on David Chevan and Warren Bryd's "This is the Afro-Semitic Experience" CD. Paul Howard is a "Connecticut-born guitarist, singer and songwriter" that plays with Stacy Philips and with the American roots band, Last Fair Deal. From the other Phillips and Howard videos available, it looks like this is their one Jewish recording.

Stacy Phillips & Paul Howard -Klezmer Medley
"Stacy Phillips & Paul Howard in Washington state in 2001. The tunes are Shalom Aleikhem, Khupah Tanz and Andy Statman's Slivovitz"

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