Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ignite Ann Arbor Playlist

Whew. Ann Arbor Ignite is over. Back to real life. I've spent pretty much the last three weeks prepping for a 5 minute talk, but what a blast. We had a great turn out and I got lots of good feedback on my talk. If all goes well I'll be able to post a YouTube video soon. But until then, here are two photos of me talking and a playlist of the song clips I shared. The photo's were taken by local photographer / freelance webguy Monte Fowler. Thanks Monte!

Jack looking growly in front of Yiddish Folk

Jack in front of Y-Love and DeLeon album covers
I've had a couple of folks ask me about the music I played during the talk. I didn't have time to name check the bands then. Heck, I only had 7 seconds each for the audio clips. But now I've got lots of time.... Here they are in the order they got played.

1. Punk/Experimental: Kletka Red, from the album Hijacking on Tzadik / Radical Jewish Culture.

2. Frum Pop: Lipa Schmeltzer, from the album Poshiter Yid on Adaret Music.

3. Jazz: The Afro-Semitic Experience, from the album "This is The Afro-Semitic Experience" on Reckless DC Music.

4. Reggae: Matisyahu, from the album "Live at Stubbs" on Sony.

5. Electronica: Zohar, from the album Onethreeseven, on Ark 21.

6. Chamber Music: Davka, from the album Judith on on Tzadik / Radical Jewish Culture.

7. Hip Hop: Y-Love, from non-album track. Check out his new album "This is Babylon" on ShemSpeed.

8. Sephardic: DeLeon, from the album "DeLeon" on JDub Records.

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