Monday, November 7, 2011

Tikkun Olam in Brazil, Talat's Jewish jazz

TalatI got an email recently from a Jewish jazz group that I hadn't heard about before. The band is called Talat and is led by composer and piano player Alon Nechushtan. Talat's debut album, Growl, on Tzadik Radical Jewish Culture has garnered praise from both the jazz and Jewish communities. I haven't heard the album yet, but I dig the Vimeo videos I've heard. To my ears, their sound, particularly the video below, is very much in keeping with other Tzadik acts, which is a fine thing. I'm a big fan of that sound. (Though I'm also a fan of non-Tzadik Jewish jazz groups including the Afro-Semitic Experience and Enrico Fink). That sound is typically based around jazz improvisation using klezmer modes. Talat's press material talk about also mixing in middle-eastern sounds, though I haven't heard that in any of the videos I've seen. What I have seen though is a nice blending in of Israeli pop music sounds, which is lovely.

For more info, check out their website.

Alon Nechushtan and TALAT perform 'tikkun Olam'

1 comment:

Antônio Lídio Gomes said...

My dear Jack
From São Paulo, Brazil.

A Oferenda

À meia-noite quando o galo canta
A Graça vem, sopra com a mão
O Poderoso, Justo te alcança
Na plenitude do teu coração

Alcança o aflito, com sua virtude
Que hoje sofre com sua aflição
Os anjos todos, nessa atitude
São portadores da divina ação

Os santos anjos zelam guardiões,
Nos quatro cantos que nos céus habitam;
Levando a Deus as imprecações.

A oração, que do justo vai fluindo,
Um anjo beija e se enternece;
É uma oferenda, para Deus subindo.

Inspirado no Zohar, o Livro do Esplendor