Monday, June 15, 2009

Some Old Time Chazzunes

I'm in a hotel in DC. It's late and I should be sleeping. But I'm not...I'm wandering the interwebs and guess what I found, a new Jewish music blog called Chazzunes dedicated to the classic Jewish chazzan / cantor. And while Chazzunes is brand new, it's off to a fast start. In two months it's racked up over 200 posts, all YouTube videos of classic and contemporary cantors. I'm going to have a blast working my way through the lot of 'em.

Here's quick sampler...

Oid yossef chai 2

' ''l'elisir d'amore' דוד קריבושי-ליאור אלמליח ושמעון סיבוני

Hat tip to YouTube user dkrivo for posting the second video.

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