Friday, September 12, 2008

Shabbat Niggun

Shabbat Shalom everyone,

Here's my weekly pre-Shabbat 'get in the mood' video. This week I don't know much about the recording other that the musician's name is Adi and that it's that the lyrics are from the Psalms (Psalm 63 and 19?). Elokai Netzor, recited at the conclusion of the Shemonei-Esrei/Amidah prayer and Psalm 19.

Open my heart to Your Torah

Here is a rough transliteration offered by the poster of the video.

P'tach libi betoratecha, v'acharei
mitzvotecha tirdof nafshi.

Ve'chol hakamim alai r'ah
meheira hafeir atzatam, vekalkel
machshavotam. x2

Asei lema'an Shmach
Asei lema'an yeminach
Asei lema'an toratach
Asei lema'an kedushatach

Lema'an ye'chal'tzhun
yedidecha. Hoshiah yeminecha

yih'yu l'ratzon imrei fi v'hegyon
libi lefanecha ANONAI tzuri

Update: I got a nice note from Adam (aka YouTube user FeivelJay770) correcting my lyrics source and pointing me to two other cool videos.
"Hi Jack, I'm go glad you shared the video on your blog. Many thanks. Spread the light. Here's the other video I recorded of Adi singing his niggun to this prayer at a Lag Bomer bonfire our friends made this year:

One thing- none of the lyrics are from Psalm 63. The prayer is from Elokai Netzor, recited at the conclusion of the Shemonei-Esrei/Amidah prayer though the last verse is indeed from Psalm 19, as you mentioned. However, Psalm 63 is indeed one of my favorite psalms and here is a video of me singing two verses from it:

Be blessed, have a happy and healthy new year,
Hat tip to YouTube user FeivelJay770 for posting the video.

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