Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kol Shira - World music from eastern Iowa

One of the interesting movements in American Jewish music at the moment, is the adoption and promotion of Sephardic music. Kol Shira is the latest group I've run across that happily mixes music (Jewish and otherwise) from around the world, but draws heavily Sephardic and Misrachi music for their basic sound and approach. This, in my opinion, is a good thing.

And they do it well. Not quite world stage, Galeet Dardashti, well, but definitely 'drive for an hour see them' well. Valerie Davine's got a lovely, passionate, voice, and the rest of the combo (Linda Wertz on bass, Debbie Singer on guitar, Julie Anolik-Cassell on percussion and cello, Karen Charney on flute and vocals, and Rita Offut on vocals) are tight and talented. I don't think they have any recordings out, but if you live in Iowa you should check their upcoming performances list.

Here's a video from a 2005 performance, for more videos see their video page.

Kol Shira: Mizmor L'David

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