Seriously folks. This is a fantastic album that's been in heavy rotation lately. I have every expectation that given some time and promotion, that Epstein will take the Orthodox pop world by storm in the same way that Blue Fringe did. I have every hope that the wider Jewish community embraces him, too. This is some seriously good music. Here are some clips of a couple of my favorite tracks, and you can hop over to CD Baby to hear the rest.
Epstein is just getting rolling as a musician. This album was put together as a recording project and he's still putting his road show band together. I'll keep everyone posted about his gigs as I hear about them.
So here's a funny thing, I may be helping him get some of those gigs. Epstein and I have been emailing back and forth a lot since his album came out. He's brand new to the scene and I've been giving him some pointers (as best I can). And, like many artists, is much more comfortable writing and playing music and than engaging in shameless self-promotion. So I've offered to help him get the word out and try to help him get some gigs. This is not a relationship I've had with a band before and so I'm really not sure how it will work out. But I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.
And I'll start now... I've got a fantastically talented Jewish indie-pop musician who's looking for venues to play for Jews of all types, with emphasis on the Othodox / Chassidic communities. Where should he play? Any bands want to play with him? He'd love to open for you. Drop me a line if you've got ideas.
This is the first time I’ve read about this. I keep learning new things everyday!
Harrit, I'm not sure what the story is here. That link look very-spam like but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
For anyone interested in indie-pop, here's a better definition from Wikipedia
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