So, yeah. I bit. I submitted a proposal.
The Silver Age of American Jewish Music is Happening Now! And Why We're Missing It.I'll find out next week if I've been accepted. If so, I'll have two weeks to prep my slides and one additional week to practice. The Ignite event is on Nov 2. Yikes. Not much time to get a first rate dog & pony show together. I'll let you know how it goes. If I get to present, I'll post a video. Promise.
Jewish music is exploding. Bands and labels and venues are multiplying. Rock. Hip Hop. Reggae. Punk. Klezmer. Sephardic. Choral. Chamber Music. Jazz. Chassidic-Pop. Breslov Techno. Niggunim. Pop-liturgical. Bible-gum. Beat Box. Boy Choirs. House. Yiddish Gothic. Indie. Weird hybrids. Avant-Garde experiments. Earnest devotion. But we're not immigrants clustered in tenements, in range of a local Yiddish radio station anymore. A revolution is happening but we're scattered across a big nation with no common media to connect us....except the net. Will it be enough?
It was a great talk! Thank you so much for doing it!
Hi Dug..I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time.
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