Monday, November 12, 2007

Levitikus First Live Show

I love it when bands send me discs, though it takes me way too long to get the review written. Levitikus, a new Jewish rock band in the mold of Blue Fringe and 8th Day, sent me their disc a couple of months ago. I noted it in my 'upcoming releases' posts, but still haven't really written a review. Not sure why. Possibly, and I mean this constructively, they sound like a lot of new bands. I like their sound (though I don't think it's quite as ground breaking as they do.) The guys can handle their instruments (though the vocals tend to go a big flat). I like their compositions (but they're a bit mono-dimensional). All in all, the album was cool but never made it into heavy rotation. I do think, though, that there's a good core there that could turn into something really interesting given a little time. I was delighted to see that they've finally gotten out and played live. And at no less a venue than the venerable Knitting Factory. Great job, guys.

If you like the video, you can get more info about them at MySpace and nab their album at CD Baby.

Levitikus - Mah Rabu - Live at The Knitting Factory

"Levitikus sees itself as much more than just a band rocking away. Through the direction of Avi Fried and Moshe Gottlieb, Levitikus has decided to break through the fences and form a Jewish-American rock band that bases its music on classic and modern rock while still maintaining a Jewish identity. With a less subtle and a more open attitude about issues in today's Jewish community, Levitikus sings
about topics of relevance that most of us can relate to in one way or another."

Hat tip to shmelive for posting the videos.

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