Thursday, August 7, 2008

Klezmer Style w/ Java Jews, Golem, the Atelier Klezmer and Yosef Kapelye

I'm having an ambivalent day. I'm leading four projects at work, three of which are in planning stages at the moment. sigh. Lots of work, lots of confusion, very little feeling of progress. Ah well. that's part of the game too.

I was going to show a Klezmer video today but, since it's an ambivalent Thursday, I couldn't decide which one. So you get four. Enjoy...

Java Jews

"The Java Jews, originators of the highly caffeinated klezmer music, play at Java Joes in Des Moines, Iowa"

Golem at FloydFest 7, 2008

"Golem is a unique sounding Klezmer band that rocked the Dreaming Creek main stage at FloydFest on Friday, July 25. One of the highlights of the festival."

"Lebdika Fraylach" Atelier Klezmer -- Stage Juillet 2008

"Lebdika Fraylach" par l'Atelier Klezmer (Camille, Julia et Wilfrid pour les solos) -- Stage Juillet 2008 organisé par le Trio KAVA-BAR Klezmer... 20 musiciens pour 2 jours de stage et Concert au Festival de Nizas (34).
Jascha Lieberman at Ariel Café, Krakow.

Yosef-Kapelye: Kandel's sher

Hat tips to YouTube users PaulMenzel, italiangranola, kavabar, and LebedevIvan for posting the videos.


heebnvegan said...

Thanks for posting that Golem video! I love that song live (I've seen them live four times), but I'd never found an audio or video version of it.

Jack said...

me too. my little girls love it too. They're running round singing "black cat, white cat MEOW!" Pretty hysterical.